Showing posts with label DBMS_PROFILER. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DBMS_PROFILER. Show all posts

PLSQL Performance Tuning DBMS_PROFILER


DBMS_PROFILER - DBMS_PROFILER package is Oracle supplied package to tune PLSQL code.

Steps :- 1) Environment Setup (One Time Setup)
              2) Start DBMS_PROFILER then Execute PLSQL Package (Which need to Tune) then Stop the DBMS_PROFILER
              3) Analyze Profiler data
              4) Optimize PLSQL code then again repeat step 2)

1) Environment Setup :- a) Check DBMS_PROFILER Package available in SYS schema.

select object_name,object_type from all_objects where object_name like '%PROF%';

b) check that you are able to execute package DBMS_PROFILER from your user. if you are not able to excute then grant execute priviledge
on package DBMS_PROFILER from sys user to your user.

grant execute on DBMS_PROFILER to scott;

c) Create rquired table through 'proftab.sql'


d) check profile tables creates

select * from user_tables where table_name like '%PROF%';


2) Start DBMS_PROFILER then Execute PLSQL Package (Which need to Tune) then Stop the DBMS_PROFILER :-

exec procedure;

3) Analyze Profiler data :-

select * from PLSQL_PROFILER_RUNS;
select * from PLSQL_PROFILER_DATA;

SELECT u.runid,
FROM   plsql_profiler_units u
       JOIN plsql_profiler_data d ON u.runid = d.runid AND u.unit_number = d.unit_number
WHERE  u.runid = 1
ORDER BY u.unit_number, d.line#;

-- Top 10 slow statements

select trim(decode(unit_type,'PACKAGE SPEC','PACKAGE',unit_type)||
 ' '||trim(pu.unit_owner)||'.'||trim(pu.unit_name))||
' (line '|| pd.line#||')' object_name
, pd.total_occur
, pd.total_time
, pd.min_time
, pd.max_time
, src.text
, rownum sequencenr
from plsql_profiler_units pu
,    plsql_profiler_data pd
,    all_source src
where pu.unit_owner = user
and pu.runid = &1
and pu.runid=pd.runid
and pu.unit_number = pd.unit_number
and src.owner = pu.unit_owner
and src.type = pu.unit_type
and = pu.unit_name
and src.line = pd.line#
) where sequencenr <=10;

4) Optimize PLSQL code :-

PLSQL code need to modified with help of following  :-

Bulk Collection
Global Temporary Table
Inbuilt Functions
Nocopy Compiler Hint

Truncate sequence for Profiler tables data :-

truncate table PLSQL_PROFILER_DATA;
truncate table PLSQL_PROFILER_UNITS;
truncate table PLSQL_PROFILER_RUNS;